Wednesday, 6 May 2009

IF. Hierarchy

Spring has well and truly sprung and with it comes a TV program here in the UK called ‘Springwatch’.
A peek into the world of our native wild life via hidden cameras and patient cameramen, creating a compelling nightly life and death drama. Watching newly hatched chicks establishing an often all too real ‘pecking order’ can be quite traumatic, there’s no interference from the film makers, real hierarchies are established and often nature runs its unsentimental course. I’m no outdoors man but Linsey and I have become hooked!

Brush and ink line work coloured up in Photoshop.


SLW said...

I really like repetition of the lines and shapes in this work! Nice.

kathy hare said...

a beautiful image..

Malachi Ward said...

Great drawing! I love the geometric style.

rachael gardiner said...

love the colours!!!

Tomás Serrano said...

Original and beautiful drawing, Mark.

justdoodleit said...

This is so nice, the composition works very well!

jazzlamb said...

Brings out your graphic designer-ly-ness very well. Love the colors. And the stylization.